Saturday, November 13, 2010

Jennie Laws - The Hit Maker

Photo by: Jae Feinberg
Traveling back and forth between Toronto and Los Angeles, Jennie Laws is definitely making her stamp here in California. Not only is she a brilliant singer and songwriter; she is also a phenominal composer and multi-instrumentalist.  Jennie Laws' music is so captivating that it caught the attention of King Kooba of OM Records and Derrick McKenzie of Jamiroquai that they produced remixes for remix EP - Jennie Laws: The Remixes.

On Wednesday, November 10th, she performed at Zanzibar in Santa Monica playing fan favorites, like Heavenly, and debuting her track, Karma. It was the first time that the band had performed it live together. Check it out!!!

After the show I was able to get a few minutes with Jennie Laws and asked her a few questions. Keep reading to see what she had to say about her music, recent Remix EP release, future shows, and what we can expect from her over the next year.

DesireeRose: Well first off, great set.

Jennie Laws: Thank you!

DR: So, the first song was a single that you guys had just first performed, Karma. It's the first time you all performed it, right?

JL: Yea!

DR: Now, will we hear this one on the remix EP that you just put out?

JL: No, we didn't perform any of the remixes. We did an remix EP release show about a month ago and I did two of the remixes at that show. And because remixes are electronics and everything it was cool, but it wasn't something I wanted to keep doing live. It's more electronics, you know, you use equipment and make it sound good on the computer. Live, we did it, it was cool but I just felt like I want to do more of the organic, acoustic stuff for the original versions of songs when it comes to live shows.

DR: So what can we expect on the remix EP? Is there anything different you did on this EP, like new songs?

JL: No, there aren't any new songs on this one, it's just remixes. But it's cool. There were actually two remixes from the drummer on Jamiroquai. Remember that band?

DR: Yea!

JL: He did two of them, really smoothed out kind of loungy ones. Then there's this producer from Canada that did some remixes. And he did the hip hop version of "Heavenly". He changed it 'cause Heavenly has a 3 kind of feel. You know 1-2-3, 1-2-3 (here she actually says it in tempo and then sings a capella, the original version); he changed it to a 4 (and then she sings the remix tempo), so he changed the timing. And there's this guy that did some Beyonce remixes, his name is Maurice Tamraz. He did this fun house remix of my song, "You Choose" (she then spits out another a capella moment). My manager's brother, he's a great producer too. He did two of the remixes on there. One is a house and one like a trip-hop version of my song "I Just Want To Be Close To You." So, it's again really loopy. So, different genres, more loops instead of the different chords I usually use. They simplified it. And King Kooba did a, they call it Cubana, kind of version of my song "Space." So they brought the islands; it has a Miami kind of sound. There's a lot of flavor on there; something for everyone.

DR: So then how would you describe your styles for those just learning about you?

JL: I come from soul, jazz, folk, pop. And I'm moving away from jazz. So if you're going to listen to my old music you're going to hear a lot of jazz influence. Then if you're going to here my new stuff you're going to notice the jazz is gone and that it's going to be more rock. With the new album, it's more simplified and little more of a rock edge. Still soulful, always soul music and hopefully the melodies are catchy and memorable. I used to be the sweet voice over sweet music; but now it's the sweet voice over sweet music with an edge.

DR: So just expanding on the roots?

JL: Yea!

DR: You're from Canada right? How long have you been out here in LA?

JL: I've been visiting on and off for 2 years, spending a lot of time here.

DR: What can everyone expect from Jennie Laws over the next year?

JL: I have been doing a lot of songwriting with other people and for other people. So, I hope that I can have some songs that come out that other people will sing, like a Christina Aguilera or a Keisha Cole. I would love for that to happen. Also, I've been working on my full length project. I'm going to be coming with something a little different, a little "refreshing" - is the word that I hear. You can expect that. I'm hoping to release it by the second quarter of next year.

DR: For those who want to find your music where can they find you?

JL: You can go to my website, it's the main place to get everything. It's or you can go on iTunes, or Amazon, Reverb Nation. Basically any digital outlet out there. Then there's my facebook, my fan page. If you "Like" my page then you can hear all the music.

DR: Basically anywhere online.

JL: Yea we've got the digital covered. But the retail we don't; there's not really much retail left. It'd be nice to get into Starbucks! (laughter) You go get your coffee and it's like, "There's Jennie Laws!" That's the goal. (laughing)

DR: Yea! (laughing) Everyone goes there so they will definitely see your face.

JL: That's what I want.

DR: Do you have any other performances coming up?

JL: Well, I am going to be going back to Toronto! I'm going to be doing something called 'Intimate and Interactive' in Toronto. We don't have a date set but it's going to be close to my birthday, December 20th.

DR: Well thank you for your time! Good luck with everything and I'm sure I will be at one of your next shows when you're in LA.

JL: I hope so!

 Me (DesireeRose) and Jennie Laws at Zanzibar

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