Hey readers! Thanks for stopping in! Well, where to start...
My name is Desiree. I recently moved back out here to Hollywood, CA from upstate NY. And no that doesn't mean an hour north of the city. It really means Upstate, Syracuse area. And really the move from NY to CA is just one (1) of seven (7) moves that I have made in the last 5 years. I am from a very small town called Camden. Most people have ever heard of it. I have recently decided to try this blogging thing out because I seem to always have an opinion about a lot of things but never really talk about them. Whether it be what's going on in my life, the entertainment world, politics, etc. So I decided to take a stab at this. Each blog is going to be based on something that has recently happened or is currently happening.
So I guess this is where I begin....the big move(s). Why do people choose to move? Well we all know it can be for a lot of reasons - a loved one, for work, start over, see something new, travel. For me is started out as a combination of seeing something new and starting over and led into something new and travel.
When I graduated from high school everyone, in my opinion, has an idea that they knew who Desiree was. But in reality they had no idea. I had become this "bitch" that was just mad at everyone because of an unhealthy relationship I was in at the time. I was the quiet one, never swore, was nice to everyone, never really saw the bad in people, just kept to myself. Don't get me wrong, I had friends I just didn't really care about all the drama that comes with high school. But once I started dating this guy my whole perception changed. All the people I thought were my friends, most of them weren't. For reasons they know why. So through that experience I learned that just being nice to everyone wasn't working so I started to become more outspoken. But eventually I was just known as the girl who was foolish, cold to everyone, and I didn't trust anyone. So I decided after college that I was going to move to 1 of 3 places - Orlando, FL : San Diego, CA : New York City. My parents were not very keen on the idea of me moving so soon after graduation. But, I knew that if I didn't move then that I wouldn't end up moving at all. So I ended up in Orlando at the end of June, a month after I graduated, which was May 2005. I unpacked all of my stuff in my new place on June 28, 2005, to be exact. The sad part was, that for at least the first month, all the drama followed me. Mainly because of my ex (we had dated for 3 years and ended up engaged for a year and then I broke it off). Then I just decided that I wasn't going to acknowledge it anymore and I was just going to live my life the way I wanted to live it. I mean c'mon I was in the Sunshine State; I better enjoy it. So realistically now I only talk to a handfull of people from back home. In the time I was in Orlando I had met a ton of great people. But the best part was that I was able to be me and know that they're first impression was based just on me. About a year after I moved to Orlando I had relocated to the other side of Orlando, in Longwood, FL. (Move 2) I lived with my aunt and uncle for awhile. At about the same time I had started working with a direct marketing company that I ended up working with for the last 4 years. I started out entry level and let me tell you that work is serious. I would not have given up the last 4 years with that company for anything. Some of my best friends to-date I made in this company and they live all over the country. And I can honestly say that this particular company definitely helped me grow into the person I am today. This company lead me to my moves #3 (Orlando, FL to Tampa, FL), #4 (Tampa, FL to San Diego, CA), and #5 (San Diego, CA back to Tampa, FL). Within those 2 years I was also given the opportunity to travel, to see other offices and for conferences. Growing up I had only traveled the east coast, NY, Virginia Beach, and Orlando, FL. Mainly all for family summer vacations. With this company I had the opportunity to travel to Los Angeles, Dallas, Salt Lake City, Atlanta, Nashville, to name a few. All of these places were cities and states that I had never visited before. So back to my moves. In November 2009 I ended up having to leave the company for a short while because I had gotten myself into a financial bind because of poor budgeting. I went back to NY (Move 6). Even though it was great to see my family again on a consistent basis I just knew that I didn't want to be back up there. I was given an opportunity to come back to the company I was working with, holding a different position and took the offer. Which leads me to move #7....Rome, NY to Los Angeles. And here I am currently living in West Hollywood and loving it! I plan on being here for a loooong while, start settling down.
As much moving around as I have done, I have definitely grown and learned a lot about life. What I want in life, what I don't want. Who to surround myself with and who is not good for me. What type of a career I would like to end up with (marketing in the entertainment industry). How to adapt and work with different types of people. It's okay to talk to random people because you never know who you will meet and what they can teach you. That just a simples hello, even to a stranger, can make their day. That it is okay to say "No" to people because I don't feel like doing something or just don't want to do something; even if I feel bad about. FYI: you can't please everyone so you might as well start by being able to make yourself happy and doing things for you. Once you get out and start doing things for you, you will see a change in yourself. And the people around you currently, as well as the people from your past, will notice the change. You will open yourself up to things that you never thought you would be doing and even open yourself up to people that you never thought you would talk to. Life is about networking and who you know. Not just about who you know, but what they can teach you. So if I could give any advice to anyone out there that is trying to decided to stay or go. GO! As long as you stay in touch with those people in your life, they will be there when you come back.
My "If" theory - What if I would have went to ____________? What if I went on that trip with them; would I have stayed there? What if I decided to just stay put would I be happy with myself or would I still be wondering what it's like somewhere else? If I go to __________ what will I see, who will I meet? - If all you come up with is "I don't know," and you can't answer your own "If" questions then do what I did. Just make your decision for you and go.
Until next time.....I leave you with the question "Who influences you and why?"
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